life choices

Everything Is A Choice

acceptance creating divorce life choices living your best life May 29, 2018

A full moon tonight!! 

I wrote down some stuff I am desiring to let go of once and for all and I set it on fire! 

I said a few words of gratitude and closure and I watched it reduced to ashes. 

It felt good – really good. 

I couldn’t help but feel that it really just comes down to making the choice. 

Everything really is just a choice. Holding on to the past, worrying about what others think of me, procrastinating – those are old his choices and now I’m going to choose differently. 

I’m certain it really is that simple. May not be that easy – but it is simple. 

We make choices all day long. Each one of those choices creates our own reality.  If we aren’t completely pleased with our reality, we need to make different choices. 

I’m choosing not to play small any longer. 

I feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life, for my life to begin. 

I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I think I was waiting for my “prince” to arrive and rescue me and THEN I would live happily ever after. 

It took me turning 50 realize waiting for someone else before I decide to live my life to the fullest was a huge waste of time. 

“Happily ever after” starts now. Today.

No more waiting for life to begin. xo

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